首页。 大发888dafa

Client Centered

您正在寻找可靠,高效,和负担得起的房主大发888dafa在俄克拉荷马城? At CPC insurance, 我们提供家庭大发888dafa政策,防止住宅损失或损害,包括家里的家具和其他资产. When disaster strikes, this insurance aids in recovery costs.

Our Oklahoma home insurance provides coverage against:

  • 破坏性的天气因素,如风暴、冰雹、洪水、闪电和其他风暴因素.
  • 因盗窃、故意破坏、火灾、烟雾、天坑和水造成的损害和损失.
  • 个人 liability, injuries to people on your property. 该大发888dafa可能涵盖狗咬伤、蹦床或游泳池相关事故. 此外,我们提供额外责任限制的总括责任.


Your 首页。 Is Important, Make Sure It’s Protected

Ask yourself…

What will happen if a disaster strikes your home tomorrow? Are you confident you are properly covered for damages and total loss? 你需要自付部分或全部修理费吗?

这些都是需要解决的关键问题,因为大型大发888dafa公司可能会在预测的自然灾害或天气事件之前暂停新客户. 更重要的是,当你面临危机时,你会知道:

  1. 你的代表花时间确保你得到正确的保护
  2. Your insurance carrier has your back

What is 首页。 大发888dafa for?

首页。 insurance covers the hazards that most homeowners face. When a loss occurs, you file a claim with your insurance carrier, and you are paid for the expenses, minus any outstanding deductible amounts.

大发888dafa also covers personal liability exposures, 保护你免受许多可能导致他人诉讼的情况.

例如, 如果有人在你家里滑倒或在你的财产的某个地方受伤, you may be held responsible. Liability coverage is there to protect you.

You may need insurance to protect you for:

  • Storm damage, fire, windstorm, lightning, and hail
  • Dog bite liability 
  • Manufactured home coverage
  • Trampoline or swimming pool liability insurance
  • 风损
  • 灰岩坑
  • 洪水造成的损失
  • Sewer or septic backups
  • Replacement cost for personal property
  • Umbrella liability insurance

When you see an independent insurance agent, you have the chance to explore many options for insurance, to protect the things that are most important to you.

Little-known facts about 首页。owners 大发888dafa

关于房屋大发888dafa,有很多事情是大多数消费者不知道的. We are here to make sure you avoid potential problem areas, including:

  • 大多数保单不包括下水道备份,除非你购买特别背书
  • 地表水或地下水流造成的损害通常不包括在内
  • 标准的房主政策通常不包括洪水大发888dafa
  • A standard homeowners policy only covers jewelry, 如果损失是由大发888dafa单上所列的风险之一造成的,以规定的限额为限
  • Many policies default to actual cash value, 这意味着如果你花1美元买了一台宽屏电视和家庭影院系统,000, it may now only be worth $450, so that's all you'll receive on the claim. Just like the dwelling limit mentioned above, 重置成本大发888dafa支付你财产的全部重置价值, not their market value, in the event of a claim.
  • 重要的是: 你可以把你的家庭和汽车大发888dafa(以及其他)结合起来,以节省更多的钱.

Why We're Different

While most insurance products are similar in price and function, 当涉及到为你量身定制的政策时,大发888dafa公司会有所不同.

毕竟, 在你的个人大发888dafa方面,没有放之四海而皆准的大发888dafa政策.

大发dafa888澳门 us today, and we will help you protect what matters most.


俄克拉荷马城容易发生洪水,这种自然灾害每年摧毁数十亿美元的财产. We provide comprehensive homeowners insurance in Oklahoma City. Most homeowners insurance policies do not include flood, surface water, or surface water covering the ground of your home. 因此, when storm water pools in your home, you have to make out-of-pocket payments to recover the damage or loss.


Standard home insurance policies do not have a sewer backup. 树木和灌木的根系可以延伸到下水道中寻找水分. 不幸的是,大多数房主的大发888dafa政策不包括由此造成的损失. 涉及下水道事故的政策要求大发888dafa附加条款包括这一范围. 大发888dafa当地的团队,了解更多有关我们的覆盖有关下水道备份.

Replacement Costs for 个人 Property

俄克拉何马州的一些房主大发888dafa单以实际现金价值为基础支付维修或更换的费用. We follow the replacement cost policy, 谁在索赔时支付购买损坏物品所需的美元金额. 因此, the property value includes its depreciation status. We do not include depreciation.

Jewelry Claims

Standard homeowners insurance policies have cash limits. 首页。owners cannot claim above the cash value on jewelry replacement. 如果损坏、被盗或丢失的贵重物品超过这个价值,索赔人承担损失费用. At CPC insurance, we pay for the lost or damaged property expenses. We only exclude any outstanding deductible amounts. There are no limits.

Combine Your Policies for More 好处


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average cost of home insurance in Oklahoma?

你的家庭大发888dafa报价取决于你的保单条款和附加的大发888dafa项目. The average home insurance cost in Oklahoma City is $2,559 annually. 由于俄克拉何马州经历了恶劣的天气,大发888dafa费高于美国平均家庭大发888dafa单.

What is covered by homeowners insurance in Oklahoma?

大多数俄克拉荷马州的家庭大发888dafa政策涵盖住宅和个人财产损失或损害以及个人责任风险. 家庭大发888dafa还会支付额外的损失费用,比如临时住所. 但是,大发888dafa范围取决于您的大发888dafa公司和计划. 例如, 标准的家庭大发888dafa可能不包括地面上的洪水或地表水财产损失. You need to understand the fine print of what your policy covers.

What are the most common home insurance claims?

Property damage from water is the most common insurance claim. It is followed closely by fire, wind, hail, lightning, and theft. 俄克拉荷马城附近最好的家庭大发888dafa应该涵盖与水有关的危险,因为该地区容易发生洪水, 龙卷风, and water pooling on property.

Do you pay homeowners insurance monthly or yearly?

You can pay your insurance both monthly or yearly. 您的政策提供者提供房主大发888dafa报价与支付计划为您的俄克拉何马州家庭大发888dafa.

Choose CPC 大发888dafa for Your Oklahoma 首页。 大发888dafa

There is no one-size-fits-all in homeowners insurance in Oklahoma City. 而基本的房主大发888dafa计划有标准的定价和特点, variations between policy providers arise because of customization. 在CPC大发888dafa,我们会根据您的具体需求定制您的保单.

我们很熟悉俄克拉荷马城困扰房主大发888dafa的错综复杂的问题. 我们可以帮助你在这些浑浊的水域中航行,为你的家找到最好的计划. Call us today at 405-843-5678 to get a homeowners insurance quote.